Friendship Day is a unique holiday that celebrates the cherished bond between friends. While many holidays have deep historical roots or religious origins, Friendship Day is actually a relatively modern invention - but here at Benji’s of Brooklyn we consider it no less significant.
Why is this day important? Friends often transcend conventional functions and boundaries of what we know as friendship…friends can become part of our family. These bonds can be both profound and long lasting, and we cherish the special qualities and moments shared with close friends. These deepening relationships come through shared experiences, mutual support, and true emotional connections. And it’s these kinds of relationships that can enrich our lives, provide comfort, stability, and joy…much like family members do!
This is so true in our contemporary society, where many people live far from their biological families or even have strained family relationships. Friends can step in to fill these voids left by family and provide both practical help and emotional sustenance. You have probably heard the term: “families of choice.” Friends can be these chosen families as we deliberately commit to each other in the same way that traditional families do, but without the bonds of biological kinship or legal ties. These arrangements are particularly important for people in LGBTQ+ communities, where individuals might not have children, or even worse may be ostracized by their blood relatives.
This is why we at Benji’s of Brooklyn consider Friendship Day an important one…a day that deserves respect and that has moments to honor it. It’s a day dedicated to honoring people we love, expressing gratitude, and exchanging tokens of affection. And we feel it’s also the perfect time to share beautiful handmade and personalized items such as the greeting cards we offer at Benji’s.
The Roots of Friendship Day
So how did this idea of Friendship Day come about? Well, there seems to be several stories floating around about its origin. But many believe this special day was originally introduced and promoted by Joyce Clyde Hall, the founder of Hallmark cards over 100 years ago. The idea was to dedicate a day for people to celebrate their friendships by sending cards. Today, there are numerous friendship card ideas available, offering customizable templates and designs to convey appreciation and celebrate strong bonds. So, despite its commercial beginnings, the idea gradually caught on, and has evolved into a meaningful, long-standing tradition.
Friendship Day: A South American Idea?
Over time, the holiday gained traction. In 1958 in Paraguay, a Dr. Artemio Bracho proposed the idea of an international Friendship Day during a dinner with friends. This marked the founding of the World Friendship Crusade, an organization that promoted friendship and fellowship among all human beings, regardless of race, color, or religion. This gave the holiday an even greater boost.
And not just in Paraguay. In other South American countries, many have embraced the day with various events and celebrations. For example, in Argentina there is a similar celebration called “Friend’s Day” which occurs in July. It’s one of the year’s biggest nights for restaurants and bars as friends gather to celebrate their relationships.
And as time went on, the concept of Friendship Day began to spread globally and is now celebrated around the world, with each country bringing its own unique flavor and traditions.
Friendship Day Goes Global
India and South Asia
In countries like India, Friendship Day has become a hugely popular celebration, especially among the younger generation. It’s common to see friends tie friendship bands on each other’s wrists, exchange unique Friendship Day gifts, and spend the day together. The commercial aspect is evident with shops and online retailers offering themed merchandise and special deals on gifts like flowers, chocolates, and, of course, greeting cards, including friendship cards that feature heartfelt messages and appealing designs.
United States
In the US, Friendship Day was proclaimed by Congress in 1935 as a holiday to be celebrated on the first Sunday of August. While it does not have the same level of commercial “hype” as in some other countries, many Americans take this day to reach out to their friends, reminisce about shared memories, and express their appreciation for their bonds of friendship.
Europe: Let’s Be Friends
In Europe the holiday also has its fans. Take, Finland, for example. While it might often be dark and cold in the Scandinavian country, Day of Friends, also known as “Ystävänpäivä” is quite popular and is more akin to Valentine’s Day in the US. People not only celebrate friendships but even express romantic interests on this holiday. Similar trends are also seen in other European countries, where the blending of lines between friendship and love happens.
The Role of Greeting Cards in Friendship Day
In the age of digital communication, the art of sending greeting cards has indeed retained a special charm – particularly for occasions like Friendship Day. Who does not like to come home from a long day at work (or after sitting alone all day while working remotely) and find a special card in their mailbox? Handmade and personalized cards offer a thoughtful and unique way of expressing love and appreciation to friends. Whether it's for a best friend, these cards can convey deep feelings of gratitude and connection. The tactile nature of these cards adds a personal touch.
And for companies like Benji’s of Brooklyn, offerings include a mix of both the physical and digital versions of these special messages. With eco-friendly and artistically crafted products, Benji’s selections of greeting cards provides a perfect blend of creativity and sustainability. Whether it is a beautifully handcrafted card or a personalized note, these tokens become keepsakes that friends can treasure over the years. A birthday card can bring joy and appreciation, while birthday cards in general are essential for celebrating a friend's special day. Including a friendship quote can enhance the meaningfulness of the card, and a simple 'happy birthday' message can express love and well wishes.
While this holiday will continue to evolve, it does serve as a reminder of the universal bond of friendship that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries. Whether you are near or far from your friends, sending a heartfelt card or message can bridge distances and strengthen bonds, making Friendship Day a truly special occasion.
And to share more information about this special day, we are including this link here which offers a bit more background on the holiday, as well as some interesting ways to celebrate it, ways to reconnect with old friends, and some fun tips to make new ones!
On that note, we invite you to step back from the fast-paced digital world and celebrate Friendship Day. We know that sending a beautifully crafted greeting card that expresses your feelings is a wonderful way to start. So, visit Benji’s of Brooklyn to find that perfect card that speaks to your heart and to your heartfelt feelings for all your friends wherever they may be!
Friendship Day is a special holiday that celebrates the joy and importance of friendships in our lives. Whether you’re celebrating with close friends, new friends, or old friends, there are many ways to show your appreciation and gratitude. From sending thoughtful friendship day cards to planning fun activities, the most important thing is to take the time to acknowledge and cherish the special people in your life. So mark your calendars for the next Friendship Day and get ready to celebrate the power of friendship!